From 02/09/2024 to 20/09/2024 included, get 15% off your usual price on a selection of engraving materials in shades of yellow, red, orange and brown*! Our engraving materials are ideal for making signs and other objects!
To redeem your discount, insert the code on your purchase order: AUTUMN24*
Flexibility and performance for indoor and outdoor applications
Effectiveness, productivity, precision, and durability are signature features of this engraving material.
A robust material specifically for mechanical engraving
Engrave and cut quickly with precision
The only comprehensive range offering 3 levels of colour
The reverse outdoor acrylic material
The versatile outdoor acrylic material
The benchmark in fine material for outdoor industrial signage
The flexible material for high-definition engraving
*For all orders placed between 2nd and 20th September 2024 (included), benefit from a discount of up to 15% off your usual price on selected items. Offer cannot be combined with other current offers, on a first come, first served basis. Excluding cut-to-size. Offer valid on our standard formats: full sheets, half sheets, quarter sheets and 460x305mm.